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descriptionGuy Lafleur reconnu coupable EmptyGuy Lafleur reconnu coupable


descriptionGuy Lafleur reconnu coupable EmptyRe: Guy Lafleur reconnu coupable

C'etait de toute beaute d'entendre tout Corus Sports (Theriault, Le Moose, Bergeron, etc.) minimiser l'affaire...

C'est quand meme grave ce que son fils a fait (et Lafleur d'avoir menti sur son couvre-feu)...

Bergie aurait pu apprendre un peu plus avant de n'avait pas tres bien paru dans l'affaire Cloutier...

descriptionGuy Lafleur reconnu coupable EmptyRe: Guy Lafleur reconnu coupable

Different son de cloche dans les medias americains...

Excellent commentaire sur le blogue "PuckDaddy":,160628

Extrait de l'article:

But at his son's review for the bail hearing, Lafleur told a judge that he drove Mark to a hotel to meet his 16-year old girlfriend, because he felt it was important for them to spend some intimate time together.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Guy actually told the court last month that "I thought that at 22, he had a right to some intimacy." Bow-chicka-wow-wow ...

Such a shame this had to all happen during what's otherwise been a law-abiding, morally commendable and spectacularly successful centennial year for the Canadiens ...

descriptionGuy Lafleur reconnu coupable EmptyRe: Guy Lafleur reconnu coupable

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